
Tips & Advice

What Are the Penalties for Violating BOI Reporting Requirements?

Question: What penalties do individuals face for violating BOI reporting requirements? Answer: As specified in the Corporate Transparency Act, a person who willfully violates the BOI reporting requirements may be subject to civil penalties of up to $500 for each day that the violation continues. That person may also be subject to criminal penalties of up to two years imprisonment and a fine of up to $10,000. Potential violations include willfully failing to file a beneficial ownership information report, willfully filing false beneficial ownership information, or willfully failing to correct

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If One Item in a FinCEN BOI Report Changes Must the Company File an Entirely New Report?

Question: If a reporting company needs to update one piece of information on a FinCEN BOI report, such as its legal name, does the reporting company have to fill out an entire new BOI report? Answer: Updated BOI reports will require all fields to be submitted, including the updated pieces of information. For example, if a reporting company changes its legal name, the reporting company will need to file an updated BOI report to include the new legal name and the previously reported, unchanged information about the company, its beneficial

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What Events Require an Amended FinCEN BOI Report?

Question: What are some likely triggers for needing to update a beneficial ownership information report? Answer: The following are some examples of the changes that would require an updated beneficial ownership information report: Any change to the information reported for the reporting company, such as registering a new business name. A change in beneficial owners, such as a new CEO, or a sale that changes who meets the ownership interest threshold of 25 percent. Any change to a beneficial owner’s name, address, or unique identifying number previously provided to FinCEN.

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What Does a Reporting Company Do If Info in a Filed FinCEN BOI Report Changes?

Question: What should I do if previously reported information changes? Answer: If there is any change to the required information about your company or its beneficial owners in a beneficial ownership information report that your company filed, your company must file an updated report no later than 30 days after the date of the change.  A reporting company is not required to file an updated report for any changes to previously reported information about a company applicant.

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How Do I Get a Taxpayer Identification Number for a New Company?

Question:  How can I obtain a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for a new company quickly so that I can file an initial beneficial ownership information report on time? Answer: The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) offers a free online application for an Employer Identification Number (EIN), a type of TIN, which is provided immediately upon submission of the application. For more information on TINs, see “Taxpayer Identification Numbers (TIN)” at ( For more information on Employer Identification Numbers and to access the EIN online application, see “Apply for an Employer

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What if Beneficial Owner or Applicant Does Not have a Permanent Residential Address?

Question: What residential address should be reported if a reporting company is required to report an individual’s residential address, but that individual does not have a permanent residential residence? Answer: The residential address that is current at the time of filing should be reported to FinCEN. An updated report should be submitted within 30 calendar days if the address, or any other information previously reported, changes.

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Can a Picture be Omitted on an ID Image for Religious Reasons?

Question: If a beneficial owner or company applicant’s acceptable identification document does not include a photograph for religious reasons, will FinCEN accept the identification document without the photograph? Answer: Yes. If a beneficial owner or company applicant’s identification document does not include a photograph for religious reasons, the reporting company may nonetheless submit an image of that identification document when submitting its report, as long as the identification document is one of the types of identification accepted by FinCEN, such as a non-expired State-issued identification document.

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Must a FinCEN BOI Report be Filed Annually?

Question: Is there a requirement to annually report beneficial ownership information? Answer: No. There is no annual reporting requirement. Reporting companies must file an initial BOI report and updated or corrected BOI reports as needed.

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